
  • Superset-itools For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 4. 10. 18:15
    Superset-itools For Mac

    I am a strength and conditioning coach and I am trying to create a template in which I can utilize an input sheet and then have the values show up on my main training sheet. Here is what my main training sheet looks like. Each exercise is represented by a box. The size of the box (# of rows) represents how many sets of each exercise. For example, if the deadlift box were 6 rows deep, that would indicate 6 sets of deadlift. Some of my rep schemes remain the same, such as 3 sets of 5 box jumps, but I want to be able to change the number of reps within each set.

    Itools for mac

    If you look at Day 1 Week 2, I have 3 total sets of deadlift, but set 1 is 5 reps and sets 2 and 3 are 4 reps. The dashed line in between the two exercises represents that these are to be performed as a superset: that is one right after the other. If the line was solid, it would represent that they are two main exercises and are to be performed one at a time. If i wanted to add a triset, I would have another dotted line underneath the box jumps and a third exercise underneath that.


    Superset-itools For Macbook Pro

    This is what my input sheet looks like. Both of these sheets are in the same workbook. The way that I would want this to work would be that I would type in an exercise on the far left under 'Main Exercise', 'Superset', or 'Triset' and have those values appear under the Day 1 column to the right. For each main exercise, there may be a superset and a triset, just a superset, or it may be just the main exercise. I would also want to type in the number of reps per set under each week (W1, W2, etc.). So my main question is this: is there a way to resize the main exercise box in my training sheet that corresponds with whatever I type into my input sheet?

    Superset-itools For Mac Os

    I want all of my exercises complete with their set and rep schemes to appear automatically based on what I put into my input sheet. I understand that I would have to play around with shading and borders within my training sheet later, but want all of the exercises and corresponding sets and reps schemes to appear automatically. How would I go about doing this?

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