
  • Movie Transformers 4
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 16. 11:19

    Time, and time again the magic of movies have come to surpass the expectations of everyday life. From the events we see on the six o'clock news.to the overabundance of violence we see in cinema.what does this have to do with Michael Bay's new film 'Transformers: Age Of Extinction'? Time, and time again the magic of movies have come to surpass the expectations of everyday life. From the events we see on the six o'clock news.to the overabundance of violence we see in cinema.what does this have to do with Michael Bay's new film 'Transformers: Age Of Extinction'? Nothing.I just wanted a cool intro.

    I sit before you baffled, shocked and well. Obliterated as I feel like I have gone to battle and won.

    It's been quite some time since the little boy in me could ooze with so much excitement, anxiety and cheer. As only Michael Bay can do with his inept style of filmmaking.

    Which consists of two things 1) Blow stuff up, and 2) Blow more stuff up, while you are at it, why not just blow more stuff up. This approach has done wonders for his past attempts at filmmakings, speaking for itself. The lucrative and blockbuster famine that is 'Transformers'.

    Speaking for myself as a geeky fan boy who walks around aimlessly with an optimus prime on his wallet (judge me). I distinctly fell in love with everything Transformers back in 2009 when Bay and company changed my whole perspective on movies. Which is very rare to do, I might add. Every since, I have worshiped Optimus Prime and the autobots as the neverending saga to defeat Megatron.

    Transformers 4 Release Date

    There is just something about all the destruction, mayhem and action set pieces. Not to mention who can ever pass up a monologue from Optimus Prime. I mean golly, if he gave me a speech to climb mount everest, or fly to the moon you bet your ass I would die trying.

    So obviously you could say I am biased, but if you want one fans opinion, I suggest you keep reading. Three hugely successful films later, I guess Bay felt the need to 'reboot' or 'start a new trilogy'.

    Well folks, much like the first film back in 2009 'Transformers: Age Of Extinction' is presumably as advertised. A big budget spectacle that fits right in the middle of a warm Fourth Of July afternoon. The summer movie going season would be nothing, if we didn't have a Transformer movie to grace it. This time shuddering out former star boy Shia LaBeouf and replacing him with a better, leaner, and perhaps, more relatable Mark Wahlberg. At first glance I was appalled that the original cast was being reprimanded. Then again It could be very well for the best.


    I digress as usual, the film picks up in the aftermath of 'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' where Chicago is left in ruins, and the government wants blood.and blood in the form of the Transformers. Hence the title 'Age of Extinction' The hunt is on going for Optimus and his noble band of renegades that are forced into hiding and the CIA has cut a deal with the ruthless decepticons to get the job done. Optimus unlikely crosses path with Cade Yeager (Wahlberg) an inventor of sorts, the next Albert Einstein of his generation. Also a very stern, strict and passionate father to his only daughter Tris (Nicola Peltz). Cade, fixing junk to make ends meet, finds an abandoned rusted truck in an old closed down movie theater.

    Movie Transformers 4

    Which turns out to be, you guessed it, Prime in the flesh. Bringing back a dated war the started long ago. As fate would have it, an enemy foe (much like the last three Transformers) is threatening the fate of Humanity. The biggest question is. Does the audience really care?I mean I don't know about you.

    But I love watching Prime swoop in when all hope is lost and reluctantly kick some ass. It's predictable to a pulp.but its a formula that has been developed, and been proven to work. Some of the lines and bits of dialogue are a bit campy and cheesy (as expected). Kelsey Grammer's character at one point yells 'Impossible' and I couldn't help but laugh, considering what movie he has been condensed in.

    I mean do you see the robots transforming around you? Running a long, and sometimes brutal, two hours and forty four minutes I can't help but attest this film could be shorter. However, when the action is raging and the autobots are destroying heads like it's no tomorrow. Alas the runtime is a breeze.

    Fans of the genre (like myself) will be frothing at the mouth at the sight of the Dinobots (yes their entrance is all the more entertaining). The climactic battle is also the best the series has yet to offer, putting final battles like 'The Avengers' to shame. In addition the visual effects are top notch heavy and it's the same we all come to expect. While some of the characters we literally could care less about. (Including a very funny T.J Miller) Mark Wahlberg as the understandable father Cade Yeager is easy to get along with, and does his absolute best to give us a ground hero worth rooting for, and to a lesser extent. Stanley Tucci also has ideally the best lines in the film.adding some much needed comedic elements to broaden the appeal towards the stunning conclusion. (If you can pay attention, with all the ruckus and mindless explosions taking place in the background) Fans should also notice, while yes, there is humor.

    'Transformers: Age Of Extinction' is far more darker then one would anticipate. Secondly, there is plenty of a set up for future installments so I highly doubt this is the last will see of these characters. Bumblebee is back in full swing as usual in his stunning yellow fashion.The only thing that seemed to bother me the most, was how there was hardly any reference towards the past Transformer films. Not once is there a brief mention of Sam Witwicky (you know, Shia LaBeouf's character.you know.the one that founded the transformers and saved the world.three times). I understand that the crew is trying to turn a new leave.but I just find it highly unlikely they all just forgot about the man that made them famous. In the end, don't come to expect nothing new from this film.

    In fact you should expect bigger and better. Chances are, if you're purchasing a ticket.you already know the ride you're in for. This is a smart technique that has worked wonders for the past installments and now a new bar has been set for the sequels that will grace it. Love, is always a strong word for me to use while discussing a movie.

    It definitely goes against my better judgement. But I just don't see how it's possible to walk out of this movie, without your heart beating out of your chest (as was mine) all to the tune of the great headliner song 'Battle Cry' by Imagine Dragons. As this is just one man's humble opinion. I can agree that well, I loved 'Transformers: Age Of Extinction'. A By: Nate Adams Directed By: Michael Bay Rated: PG13 Runtime: 164 Mins Release Date: June 27th 2014 Studio: Paramount Pictures Thanks For Stopping By ®. A marginal improvement on the last movie.

    Far, far, far too long. Most of the 'human' element could easily of been cut.

    Wahlberg, Grammer and Tucci seem to be having fun in their roles and they make the movie a bit more bearable. The plot is an interesting one, however is so drawn out it A marginal improvement on the last movie.

    Far, far, far too long. Most of the 'human' element could easily of been cut. Wahlberg, Grammer and Tucci seem to be having fun in their roles and they make the movie a bit more bearable. The plot is an interesting one, however is so drawn out it can be little hard to remain vested. A real, real shame how little the Dino-bots are in the movie, but when they are there, they are awesome. The Autobots this time are a bit more flushed out and have a bit more personality.

    Likely because of how few of them there are. The villains on the other hand seem a bit disorganised in the focus. It seems Bay couldn't decide who the main villain should be, but concluded with an obvious tease to a sequel. Overall: Transformers AOE isn't terrible, even a bit enjoyable at times, but it drags on so damn much that it really makes it hard to even try to like it. Note to the Producers: If you make a movie intentionally long, be sure that the screen time is utilized properly. Also, quit making all your female leads look like pin-up hookers.

    Seriously, WTF? There's a fine line between hot and smut. Transformers: Age of Extinction lacks in originality, an interesting narrative or any sense of empathy towards the characters. The focus is on how much bigger the special effects can get from the previous film, evident in the emergence of the Dinobots in this film (which were definitely Transformers: Age of Extinction lacks in originality, an interesting narrative or any sense of empathy towards the characters.

    The focus is on how much bigger the special effects can get from the previous film, evident in the emergence of the Dinobots in this film (which were definitely cool). However this does not warrant the absolute lack of any proper story, especially so when the film is bloated with tons of fight scenes with nothing remotely intellectually stimulating. This is literally the worst movie I've ever seen and whoever gave it a 10 should have their Metacritic account taken away. The visuals aren't bad, but at the fourth Transformers movie it's nothing new or exciting so it isn't a selling point. The movie sabotages anything good it has, TJ This is literally the worst movie I've ever seen and whoever gave it a 10 should have their Metacritic account taken away. The visuals aren't bad, but at the fourth Transformers movie it's nothing new or exciting so it isn't a selling point.

    The movie sabotages anything good it has, TJ Miller is good for the small amount he's in but is underused. To fully express my dislike for this movie, there's a scene in which the daughter's boyfriend has to explain why it is legal for them to date, and there's a lot of reasons it's creepy.

    First, whoever wrote it knows about this law and I don't want to ask why. Second, Michael Bay wrote a sexy character so young they had to explain why it's legal, but they don't have to explain why it's gross. Dinobots are in like 10 minutes, humor sucks, directing sucks, writing sucks, acting is good 10% of the time.

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